iPhone 12 Feature Apple has added mm-Wave support to the phone in the US, but it also includes support for sub-6GHz 5G. Apple has tested the phone’s speed at 100 carriers. The phone can provide download speeds of up to 3.5 Gbps and up to 4 Gbps at best. The iPhone 12 is 11% thinner than the previous iPhone 11, 16% lighter, and 15% smaller in size. The iPhone 12 of the iPhone 11 is also offered in many colors. The new colors include blue, green, product red, Includes white and black. As expected, the iPhone 12 includes Apple’s A14 Bionic chipset. It has 6 core (two power full and four efficient cores) CPU and quad-core GPU. The total number of transistors on it is 11.8 billion. The A14 Bionic is 50% faster than any other smartphone chipset. The A14 Bionic provides 80% faster machine learning than the previous A13 Bionic. It supports 11 trillion operations per second, according to the report. It also speeds up camera operation with Face Unlock. this article belong to http://aezax.com//bl...