The dog has been domesticated in the Stone Age.
As the cave paintings of the Paleolithic period illustrate, hunting scenes with dogs and, unfortunately, the drawings are inaccurate to give us an idea of exactly what types of dogs were used by stone man exactly.
Modern-day people had a wolf-like breed of dogs, where the remains of fossils found inside their homes.

The ancient Egyptians had obtained 4,000 or 5,000 years ago clear and distinct breeds, including Greyhound-like breeds, and other similar to hunting dogs. Dogs were mentioned in Greek and Roman literature in the first few centuries BC.
The Romans owned many breeds, house dogs, grazing dogs, and various hunting dogs. Special guard dogs were used to guard temples and public buildings.
Cyrus king of Persia had dogs trained in warfare. It was also used to fight predatory monsters in the Roman arenas. but of course, everything changes.
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